A Prayer for Ukraine

A prayer for all people in Ukraine

God of all, we bring before you our alarms and concerns about the military intervention in Ukraine.

We pray for the peoples of Ukraine and Russia; for their countries and their leaders.

We pray that all those who are afraid will feel your loving arms around them; that they may not feel abandoned in their fear.

We pray for compassionate diplomacy and the laying down of arms.

We pray for those who have power to decide; that they will choose life for all people: life in all its fullness.

We pray for world leaders; that they may be inspired by the wisdom of Christ.

We pray for guidance, discernment and compassion in the decisions made by all in authority, that leaders will remember their responsibilities for the welfare of their people and that they will remember your direction to turn swords into ploughshares and seek for peace.

We especially pray for your precious children, at risk and in fear, that you will uphold and protect them.

We mourn every casualty of this conflict; every precious life extinguished by war.

In your world where peace should flourish, we lament the use of armed force.

Hear our prayer that leaders and nations will honour the worth of all people by having the courage to resolve conflict through dialogue.

Lord, today we pray for lasting peace in Ukraine.

In the name of Christ, King of Peace and Sustainer of Creation.


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